
    The idea of this Colloquium is to challenge a classic account for major changes in economies from the last third of the twentieth century onwards. The transformations understood by the concepts of 'financialisation' of the economy and 'neo-liberalism' are multiple. However, by employing them so much, these major concepts are used as explanatory factors that would be sufficient in themselves to account for a diversity of economic transformations. However, a large number of works have contributed to questioning and deconstructing the historical rupture of the early 1980s associated with financialisation, which is thought to have broken with the Fordist production regime.

     The aim is to cross-reference and bring together historical, managerial, sociological and economic analyses through empirical work devoted to case studies of firms, banks, financial companies, markets, devices or public organisations, during the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, around the dynamics of financialisation. It takes as its starting point the French space which hosts numerous works, but aims to enrich the perspective through a comparative approach with other national spaces.

     To introduce this event, we are pleased to announce that the inaugural lecture will be given on 6 October 2022 by Professor Neil Fligstein, Director of the Culture, Organizations and Politics Research Center at the University of California, Berkeley.

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